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Happy New Year!!! Welcome back to Chemistry. Here you will find helpful information. Have questions? Contact me!

This site is a living document, which means it will constantly be changing. Please make sure you check back from time to time to see up to date information.


This class meets 1-2 days a week. This results in a lot of the work being done at home on your own time. I have taken the liberty to schedule your reading assignments and practice activities. Make sure that you meet your deadlines. 


This is where you'll find your layout for the rest of the semester. Pay attention to due dates. Any questions? Contact me.

Test Links

Here is where you will find all the links for all of your tests. The links will not be live (active) until you are within the test taking time frame. Any questions? Contact me.

Class Discussions

Periodically, we will have class discussions here. I will give you further instructions on how this will be done.

About Me

Hello! I'm Mrs. Wooten and this is my first year teaching at LGA. I have a Bachelor's degree in Pre-Medical Science and have seven years of teaching experience. I love fun class discussions and am known for structured classroom management. 


If you happen to have any questions about anything that we've covered in class or anything that you've come across in your reading, please email me at

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